I have been in a total MOOOOOD lately. Physically it's definitely from The Whole 30 I've been doing, and emotionally it's from lots of things, but MAN, I'm sorry for my friends and loved ones who have been around me when it's been a struggle for me to smile. I'm still continuing to do things I love that allow me to smile naturally and be around people that bring out the best in me, but it occurred to me that this is life.
I read a quote recently, "was it a bad day? or was it a bad 10 minutes and you chose to carry it around with you the rest of the day?" More often than not, it's the later.
HOWEVER, there is something to be said to processing those bad 10 minutes. My friend Sally and I love the expression, "just riding the wave," because such is life. One second riding high, second something kicks you in the ass and knocks you down, but as a society we've become real good at focusing too long on what kicks our ass, instead of recognizing in 30 seconds or 30 minutes something wonderful may happen.
Yoga teaches us IMPERMANENCE. That no feeling is final, because at the end of the day we all die. Sorry to be morbid, but that really can help us to see that nothing lasts forever. However, to scale back a bit, when we are feeling a bit lower, we can trust in the impermanent nature of all things, that this too shall pass. Just like the waves that come one by one, eventually we'll feel that high again. Some waves are asshole Tsunami's, some are smaller, some come slowly and stay a little bit long, some are tiny, some are sloppy and some so crisp. Either way, no two waves are alike, and if we can compare that to life's curveball or maybe the thoughts we're having throughout the day, we can trust that they too shall come and go.
The wave I'm riding this time seems to be recurring, so I'm allowing myself to be sad. I'm allowing myself this darkness because I 1000000% trust whatever may be on the other side of this.
So what's a person to do when you catch yourself in a SHMOOD of all shmoooods? Here's some ideas below. Hope even just one can help. Love you!
1) Crying. Literally turn on a sad song or movie and get that shit out. Let it come up and OUT.
2) Virtual journal. I only say virtual, because it feels REAL good to TYPE REALLY HARD AND LOUD when you're angry rather then write.
3) Read funny meme's. Whatever, they are so helpful so laugh all you want. When in Rome, aka the time and age of MEME's let's use em.
4) Eat fruit. Any kind. Mmm natural sugar high.
5) Massage your face. Wash your hands and get right in there, kneading your cheeks like dough since you've been frowning so much.
6) DO NOT drink alcohol, smoke weed, or go shopping. And don't have sex with someone who isn't your partner. Sit in your GD feels rather than escaping from them.
7) If you have energy go for a walk or a yoga class, but don't force yourself to move your body if you're tired. Laying in bed and bringing your knees into your chest or moving your wrists and ankles can help get blood flowing, so that works too.
8) Identify and call someone who will just listen. I say identify first because sometimes our best friends like to solve or comfort or unintentionally minimize our feelings. Find a person you can ask to be just a listener. More often than its a therapist (AHEM) see my earlier posts regarding therapy.
9) Be basic. Light a candle, take a bath or shower, and slap on a face mask.
10) Be kind to yourself through it all, as it will pass.