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So Long, Summer.

Last night was the last beach volleyball game until next season! Just like that the Northeast is approaching Labor Day. I moved back from Florida in December so this will be my first FALL in 3 years. I'm not trying to rush the change of season but reflecting back I had a wonderful summer. My motto was, "you can sleep and make money in the winter." Having only about 4 months of summer weather vs. 12 in Florida, I made the most of it. Concerts, weekend adventures, beach volleyball, BEACH, paddle boarding and get togethers with friends, I certainly packed a lot in.

Despite where you are in the country we all feel the emotional shift of changing seasons. Whether it's the nostalgia of going back to school or closely inching towards the holidays, it doesn't matter if its warm or cold out the body and mind acclimate. Below are some ideas to seamlessly shift from Summer to Fall without the pangs of letting the summer go that may surface or the 'not quite yet ready," feels when you think about sweater weather.

1) Acknowledge Abundance! OH THIS FEELS SO GOOD. We often, and unintentionally move from and thank from a place of lack. "I didn't get to do this, or that, etc." Rather, take time to sit a reflect on all of the things gifted to you thus far. What did nature bring? Warmth, sunshine, summer breeze, ocean waves. Who did you get to spend time with? Family, friends, lovers, teachers. Recognize the moments, the bbq's, the quiet hum of the city with everyone gone on the wknds, the car rides with the windows DOWN and the music UP. Write em down if that helps, but review it slowly and consciously to truly absorb.

2) ORGANIZE. Take 15 minutes, right now, to clear or clean the space you're in right now. Clothes on the chair? Dresser in disarray? Calendar still in July? Decluttering your closet, your kitchen or any other space you spend a lot of time feels GOOD. Literally you are making space, but emotionally too, You're setting the intention that you are ready for what's next!

3) Continue to hydrate!! Even thought it's still heatwave in NY, the weather will start to shift at some point, and typically when it's not as hot we don't automatically think to hydrate. Rather then neglect the body, continue to nourish and replenish. Fall veggies are my FAVORITE. Roasted everything. Warm soups, and bold seasoning, mm I can't wait. Maintaining a balanced eating style will help the body to stay energized.

4) Since it's already getting darker early it's easier to just retreat indoors and curl up with books and netflix but continue to move your body. 30 minutes - 1 hour a day really help with sleeping patterns, attitude and just all over boosting of energy! Maybe it's not beach volleyball, but maybe there is something else piquing your interest. Keep at it!! I'm going to start taking hip-hop dance lessons, because I still have high hopes of becoming one of Beyonce's back up dancers.

5) CONNECT WITHIN. Yessss. Autumn is the time to slow down and enjoy some internal reflection. Meditation, spiritual practices, journaling, gratitude jar, etc. How can you take some time to go inward.

6) Lastly, get a house plant. Doesn't have to be big or hard to care for but bring the outdoors in. Caring for a plant is similar to caring for a pet. Talking to it, nourishing it, giving it a nice life while also benefiting from it's ability to improve the air quality in your home!

If you're already catching yourself in complaining mode because the end of summer is near CHECK YO SELF. I am too! My team laughed at me when I said volleyball was the highlight of my summer, well and Beyonce, but I'm going to miss it a lot however it felt so much better being thankful I was able to do it, rather then complaining it was over. :) Love you!




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