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Moons, Marianne & Moving On.

There are so many reasons I love being back in New York, but being able to listen to Marianne Williamson speak on a random Tuesday night, the night of a New Moon, in a beautiful church just sky rocketed to the top of my list, ok well, second, because Grandma is number one for sure.

As you know I love astrology lately, and the reason for being is the there have been WAY TOO MANY creepy, coincidental things that are said by this astrologer that I follow and real life. Marianne’s literature, which breaks down the psychological practice of forgiveness, otherwise known as, “A Course In Miracles,” has been saving my life since I moved back. While I won’t go to far down the spiritual rabbit hole, I’ve been working through, processing and researching more about the concept of Twin Flames. I’ll leave it at that because that’s not what this post is about, but feel free to read more about it if you want.

Anyway…Marianne and The Course have been helping me so much to confront my shadows or darkness, and find a way to shine light on them. To move in every single way from love. This is not a denial of when things hurt us or living in the “good vibes only,” camp, but it’s acknowledging what makes us feel certain ways and choosing not to dwell there. We rarely have control over what is done to us or how something from the human experience makes us feel, but we always have the choice of how long we decide to carry it around with us, or indulge in it. Which is why this new moon for me is particularly powerful.

New moons represent the closing of one cycle and the beginning of a new one as well as hope, renewal, setting intentions, manifestation, and looking at things with fresh eyes. This makes them the optimum opportunity to clear out old ways that cause us to struggle and to start over with a clear head and a new focused direction. Note it does not say, “let go,” but more so, shift our thoughts.

There is a time for birth and a time for death, and everything in this world is a cycle. Lately I’ve been moving a bit slower through this life, trying to be super mindful of going with the flow of change, trusting that I’m always protected. This creates a lot of time on my hands, because in the past I spent time worrying, being sad or angry at people, places and things, and now I’m straight up chillin. HA, i mean I wouldn’t go that far, but I’m far more present in the constant state of flow this life offers us.

And in this flow I’m practicing, with every morsel of my being, unconditional love. Which is not just to love someone when they make us happy, or are kind, or the way we “want” them to be. But, loving no matter what. To love the soul, and not judge actions and behaviors that make us human beings.

Sunday evening I was confronted quite literally with something I SO needed to see, and after seeing I was able to take a deep breath and finally end a really long chapter in my book of life. However, working with acceptance and trust, I’m not ending this chapter with a sense of good riddance, or belief it’s completely over, but closing this part of my life with grace and love, trusting that if it does cycle back, it’s for a reason. Life is always happening FOR us.

But, OMG freedom.

Obviously, I am a firm believer that at any given point in life we can change our minds or thoughts and reroute directions. However, sometimes it’s not that easy. As said above and If ya’ll know me, you know I hate the phrase, “let it go.” Even Marianne scoffed at this phrase last night, to back my belief, it’s ridiculous.

At the end of the day it’s our choice how we’re going to view this life.

New moons show us how to redirect away from old patterns of behaviour so there is space to create new and healthier loving experiences. This allows us to evolve and move closer toward our truest and purest selves, and simultaneously enhances and deepens our most valuable, meaningful, and authentic relationships.

I’ll leave you with words from the amazing Mike Dooley, because in the spirit of intention setting and dream visualization it’s good to always remember this:

“The easiest way to avoid letdowns and disappointments, is...

No, it's not lowering your standards. That's quitting.

No, it's not releasing expectations. That's an old wives’ tale.

And no, it's not relinquishing all mortal desires. That's an ancient religion.

It’s never tricking yourself into thinking that your happiness is dependent upon the things and events of time and space, or what other people think, say, and do.

So go ahead, aim high, expect a miracle, and want it all...

The Universe”




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