Yesterday was the loveliest day. I spent it with my mom and my grandma. Then later in the evening my aunt (my moms sister) joined the fun. I am so thankful, as I get older, realizing how supported I am by strong, intelligent and capable women. Three generations strong, in one room, sharing opinions and empowering each other in the process.
I recently read a quote from an Instagram author, Laila Dahlia. “Your grandmother’s prayers are still protecting you.” When I took time to let that absorb, I was instantly filled with comfort. True comfort, nothing a baked good could provide. I was the first grandchild, and solo for 10 years until my cousins arrived. While I don’t remember every occasion with my grandma I do remember a feeling. Which, felt oddly nostalgic when I read that quote.
Yesterday we discussed politics, recipes, fashion, and for this thick haired clan how washing our hair is still the bane of our existence. Since we're women when the conversation naturally veered toward men and love, my very intuitive grandma chimed in, “he’s in your life for a reason.” She wasn’t just speaking to me, but to my mom too. They all know I'm trying to move away from someone that has been in my life for a long time, and they know that i'm taking my time, navigating these waters of release mindfully with love, rather then trying to force or deny my feelings.
For women, it’s not right to generalize that we have the same issues, but it is imperative to know that deep down, we have in one way or another experienced heartbreak. Even my grandma. She once shared that even though my grandpa was the only man she loved, her heart is broken now that he’s gone. She gets it. We’re all just walking each other home. When your family offers words of love, take them and hold them close. Maybe write them down, because if they don't make sense now, they will one day, when you need them most.
Last night after getting home very late, my mom and my aunt were waiting up. For the next hour we all shared what's been breaking our hearts and all giving the most loving solutions of how to restore our own worth. I can't even remember if the conversation ended or if we all just fell asleep at the same time, but I'm not complaining about the very little sleep. It was truly the definition of sisterhood and I’m so freaking grateful.
When it comes to family there are always ups and downs, they make us so irritated but then they are the first we go to when our hearts break, when you have good news or when you just need someone to chat with. At the end of the day, family is everything and the things that irritate you can be and ways to help you heal, to become a bit more human or to just strengthen that compassion muscle.
Your squad is there and it's potent healing tonic, open up to it!! #familyfirst