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Grounding & The City.

Typing to you in between classes at Y7's newest studio located in the Bryant Park area in NYC. Since moving back to NY I quickly realized that Y7 was the space I most resonated with. I took this recognition and RAN with it. Quite literally. 3 classes turned into 15 quick and I'm so thankful. Commuting from LI to NYC daily was wearing on me so, two weeks ago I found a room to rent and I'm a new resident to Harlem, NY! Upper West Manhattan, and I LOVE IT. I am truly embodying Sarah Jessica Parker as BEST I CAN.

However, one thing that was never glamorized on my most favorite TV Show, "Sex & The City," was how imperative it is to protect your physical and emotional body. To feel connected and centered` I have been implementing even more grounding to my typical regime. Today I am going to share some grounding ideas to help city dwellers who are not exposed to nature as much as they could be! Riding in the subway, surrounded by concrete buildings and hardly taking the time to look up at the blue sky can wreak havoc on emotions, without even knowing. Feeling grounded provides security within, an "at home," feeling, can clear the mind, recharge your energy and can certainly calm your emotions.

Not that I'm an avid fan of self diagnosing but, signs you could be ungrounded include: getting easily distracted, tendency to overthink EVERYTHING, gravitating towards drama more than typical, excessive worrying or even poor sleep, fatigue, or lower back pain. So, before you blame your sour mood or anxious tendencies on "your life," which is generalizing, and not a good habit to get into, try out these techniques!

Since "grounding," is very similar to "centering," or "finding your center, OMMM," the first idea I will share is: incorporate meditation into your DAILY routine. Yes, daily. The easiest way is to literally roll out of bed, sit on your floor, back up against a wall or the edge of your bed, set your iPhone timer for 5-7 minutes and just sit. Eyes can stay closed. Don't worry about if you're doing it right, don't worry about how to breath or what to think about and just SIT STILL and QUIET for 5-7 minutes. Mmk? Cool.

More often than not stress or anxiety result due to a disconnection with our physical body. Our fulfilling lives have us rushing from A to B, doing this, going there and from 7am to 7pm when we barrel in the door, and sit down for the first time all day, our bodies are like WHATTT? So secondly, check in with your physical body periodically throughout the day. Periodically will be different for everyone. 1 time, or 5 times. I leave this open ended because the more you start doing it the more proficient you'll become at it, and you'll start to do it without even trying, you'll be so connected to the messages your physical body is sending. Checking in will be different for everyone especially at the start of your grounding journey. For some, they may need to excuse themselves to a quiet space, or do this lying down in bed. For others, it can be done sitting on the subway or waiting for the light to change before you walk across the street.

The way in which I connect with my physical body is pretending there is a bright light shining from my heart. Stay with me for all you non-spiritual, logical folk. So, this light that starts from my hearts seeps and floods my entire body. I breathe into this visualization and I picture the light spreading across my chest, down my arms, up my neck, my mouth, then back down filling up my stomach and low back and travels down my legs. Then, when there is a spot in my body where it gets stuck that's where I pause and just take note. I’ll think, “OK somethings off near my low back and my stomach.” Then continue on, not harping on the area that wasn’t able to fully be covered in light.

I’m not doing anything with this information, I’m just becoming more aware of where I feel limited, for lack of better terms, in my body. This is vital feedback information. What we chose to do with this info down the road, or later in the day is up to you.

I prefer to visit it down the road so the “what could it be?” stress doesn't accumulate throughout my day, but instead i visit in when i can give it the attention it deserves.

Another helpful way to think about grounding is correlating the concept, from where it literally comes from. The ground. AKA The earth, nature. So at any given point of your day, go outside, stand still, feel your feel against the ground, the air on your skin, and hopefully the sun on your face. Mama nature has been a lil sassy here in the North East so obviously weather permitting. When you saturate your senses with natures offerings we can feel a sense of stability even if just for a moment. Recently, I’ve just been taking a few seconds to just look up at the sky while I feel my feet on the pavement. I take a few deep breaths starting from the base of my spine and I let whatever surfaces to surface. There are parks with green grass and there are trees with leaves to be found, so when you do see them. SEE THEM.

I grew up on Long Island surrounded by water, which is why water will always be the medicine I need. When I feel my hips and back start to ache, and a massage just doesn’t cut it, I head to the water. I went yesterday and it was so cold, but honestly a few deep breaths of the ocean air while viewing the wild waves, and I felt life re-enter my body.

Lastly, YOGA. WOop! Obviously, shameless plug to get the whole world flowing, but seriously. WHY AREN’T YOU DOING YOGA? The postures target hips, low back, and legs, which are ALL body parts that we need to nourish when we think about grounding. If you can't or don't want to do yoga, please get your self a foot rub. I have been average 5-7miles walking ON THE REGULAR, I have been getting massages 1x per week for the last 3 weeks, in addition to my 30 minuet stretch sessions at LYmber. Maybe it's just me, but holy moly, using my body as a vehicle has been so different from driving everywhere.

I’ll leave you with those 4 ideas for now. Whether you live in the forrest or the city, everyone can benefit from deliberate grounding practices. Love you, and happy grounding!




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