Good morning, everyone! Unless the words in the title already gave it away, today I'm going to address Yin and Yang. Contrast, or how one thing/feeing/experience can't exist without it's opposite. In Chinese Philosophy it is said that opposite forces can actually be complimentary. In Paula Abdul Philosophy, "it's just a natural fact, we come together because opposites attract." AND in my opinion, to actually live your best life you can't just focus on the good, but imperatively and consistently address the "bad." I put bad in quotes because I'll get to that later.
Here are some beautiful words by Madison Taylor to first give you an example of what I plan to tease out today.
"Life energy flows through us like a swift stream when there is nothing to obstruct it, but various forces such as trauma, downbeat vibrations, and disappointments act like stones that impede the current. If we allow these to pile up, our life energy is thrown off its course or blocked entirely, causing illness, restlessness, and a lack of vigor. If, however, we take the time to clear these forces away, we rob them of the power to impact our lives. When we cultivate simple yet affirmative habits such as taking regular cleansing baths, practicing meditation and breathing exercises, smudging, and self-shielding, we protect ourselves from outside influences that might otherwise impede our energy flow."
In the spirit of transparency, moving home has brought a plethora of up's and down's and without the tools in my metaphorical "toolbox," I would have surely spiraled into a transitional depression FOR SURE. Moving home without a plan and having to navigate terrain that has been foreign to me since 2002 was not something I foresaw myself ever doing at the age of 34, but here we are. I have found a pretty solid routine but, it has come with, and still has some "flaws," that need trouble shooting and this past Monday, blame the full moon or my moon cycle, but I had my first legit BREAKDOWN.
Leaving the Kia dealership to try to get out of my lease, tired from trying to do it all, and disappointed in myself it's not "happening faster," I lost my shit. I pulled over and allowed myself the time needed to cry it all out. About 1 minute and 20 seconds. Ah. Ok. Up and Out. How am I this sad when two days ago I was literally in the most blissful state: "Best Day Ever," by Sly and The Family Stallone blaring from my earbuds, touring the city by foot, walking from class to class, stopping in some of the cutest bakeries, coffee shops and galleries?? Is it happening? Is this when I have my mental break? Confused and trying to Google symptoms of DSM related disorders, I remember my favorite mantra lately. "I breathe in, I breathe out." So i did just that. Phone down. Oxygen IN. Chest expanding. Slow exhale.
How can I use this shit storm? Immediately think of Teresa Biggs words, "why is this happening FOR you? Not to you?" She would always say whilst sticking acupuncture needles into my knees and third eye. This phrase is why I use quotes around perceived negative outcomes, or events. Flaws, bad things, etc, yes they FEEL bad, but we've come to know feelings are fleeting, and those experiences can serve a purpose. Yin and Yang. I can't be over here livin' my best life, eating mini donuts, because all this good is coming my way, but only because I've addressed the darkness. I've owned it, pulled over on the side of the road and welcomed it. Then saw it for what it actually was, a chance to grow from it and learn from it.
Resiliency was the word I used in my grad school essay for my mental health counseling program acceptance. I am inspired by resiliency, always was and always will be. In hindsight my resilent nature back then was called denial, but now my resiliency comes from taking everything at face value in real time because I know good doesn't exist without bad, up without down, hot without cold, etc. The interconnectedness of all things allows us to really experience this life cycle for all that it is, not just what we try to control it to be. So, as Madison said above, if we allow these disappointments to pile up by not addressing them, we can completely stop the natural flow of our life, we can impede on living our best damn life.
I really have taken to this phrase lately and it's become way more real for me when I realize the "downs," are also part of my best life too because they help me learn. Even the things I don't want to learn, or see, or acknowledge, they'll continue to pop up until I've witnessed and addressed them without judgment or denying they exist. When I'm open to them, and grateful for them, even when they feel like daggers in your heart, or a sinking feeling in the stomach. C'est la vie, baby, and it's ALL BEAUTIFUL.
Resiliency, bounce back, it's all your choice. With every up comes a down, and it's your choice what you plan to do with that perceived down.
Thank you for subscribing, tuning in, sharing etc! Every Wednesday I post new blogs and I'm thankful you took some time to read. Love you, LP.