Thank you to everyone who made my birthday so special this year. I felt all the love from all around. Last year on my podcast I recorded an episode about 33 things I've learned in 33 years and I figured I'd keep it a tradition since it was really fun. So without delay, here is my list below!
1) Water makes everything better. (However this resonates with you is what I meant.)
2) Meditation is necessary, even if you can only spend 5 minutes a day in silence, observing your breath, you should do it.
3) Different nutrition regimes may work for some people, and not for you, and that's ok. We are ALL so very different. With the trial and error of health care for your body, do your best to be true to you and do what feels best.
4) I believe it is necessary to move away from your family, your entire family, for a period at a time. A year, 2, whatever the case may be, to help you grow and experience life on your own, rather then experience your life as they would.
5) Wear SPF on your neck and face, and if you live in Florida always wear a hat. I am most excited to be back in NY to slow down the aging of my skin. Well, hopefully!
6) Stillness after a lot of movement helps us to grow/change/recondition. Whether on your mat or in life. Even if it's uncomfortable to be still, try practicing it more. Start with 1 minute at a time. Yoga teachers, observe how many people have difficulty even in Tadasana. Request they try not to fix, wipe, adjust. Just breathe.
7) It is SO very important to say the words you want to hear from someone else, to yourself. I'll say it again. Do not wait for a man, an employer, a parent, a friend to say words you want to hear. Say them to yourself. For me, "I will love you forever," is on repeat.
8) Support your friends. Seriously. Women and men. Support.
9) Finding something bigger than me to believe in changed a lot. I never resonated with religion. I grew up going to Sunday school, getting communion, etc. But discovering a 'higher power,' on my own felt like a connection I've never experienced and loved more.
10) Self Care and Self Love don't just mean loving your body, but loving your entire self. inside and out. And not because you changed them to fit the mold you 'think' you need to love yourself, but because acceptance of what is was practiced day in and out, which lead to true love.
11) Vegetables.
12) Schedule time to connect with the people you love or else it literally never happens.
13) When you know and feel it, it is quite sad, but there are some people out there who do things for their own benefit rather then for you. Unconditional love and forgiveness practice comes in handy to allow them to continue on their way rather then react to it.
14) I took a month off from reading books because I was busy with my move, and I honestly felt I got dumber. Read books.
15) This year was the year I started allowing myself to receive. Which I thought I was already doing, but nope. When push came to shove it felt very uncomfortable. What was helpful for me to remember is that I give because it makes me feel good, so when others give I should allow that same thing to be felt. To be part of the exchange of abundance is so beautiful.
16) Flowers, still, make me really happy.
17) A real man picks you up for dates, opens your car door, and pays. Sorry not sorry, I'm never going back.
18) If you're reading this and you're a young woman, start Ashtanga yoga now. Please. Pleaseeeeee.
19) After a trying day find something that helps you to, "clear your energy." Palo Santo, journaling, mantras, etc. Don't go to bed with it at the forefront of the mind.
20) Get yourself a quality bathrobe.
21) It's ok to not know what you want. When I didn't know what to do over the last year, i chose to do nothing, and eventually the answer presented itself.
22) I really miss Dr. Darci Mull and Susana Alis, my chiropractor and therapist in Naples, Fl. Find a healer for your journey.
23) A gratitude practice changes the game.
24) Music is medicine. Workout classes paired with loud music and low lights is my MOST FAVORITE THING EVER. Soul Cycle, Y7, Taryn Toomey. THANK YOU.
25) The ebbs and flows, ups and downs of life make it better.
26) Lessons will continue to be presented/repeated until they are learned.
27) Sometimes taking 20 minutes out of life and reading funny meme's does the trick.
28) Manhattan is exhilarating and I'm so thankful to be back in NY. Come visit anytime!
29) 34 year olds should not stay out past midnight. I learned that this weekend and I'm still currently recovering. Still it was worth it as I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.
30) Start to really listen to people rather then just waiting to respond. Once you start changing your listening game it's easy to spot the people who aren't listening to you.
31) Your path will unfold as it should.
32) This past year I watched Grey's Anatomy in full. Obsessed. Thank you Ashley but, here is a quote from the show that is something I most definitely learned in 34 years. "Don't let what he wants eclipse what you need. He is very dreamy, but he is not the sun, you are."
33) When you write things down they happen in someway or another.
34) Being kind is ALWAYS possible.