Visualization is a word that's thrown around a lot. I first heard of it from one of my earlier teachers, Jenilee Toner. A bunch of students gathered on a chilly, Saturday afternoon, in Saratoga, NY, to create vision boards. We sat in a circle, flipped through magazines, cut, pasted, laughed, organized, and then continued to share the meaning behind some of our choices displayed on our boards. To be honest, I was there, but I wasn't really there. At the time I was very new to yoga, I hadn't fully become aware of the beauty/struggle of the 8 limbs. What I did understand was how my physical body felt when I was in the space, surrounded by like-minded people, moving my body. I felt at ease, accepted, My early 20's anxiety quelled for hours at a time, and stayed at bay for the remainder of the evening following a practice. That's what kept me coming back. Slowly, but surely, more things changed. My mother even reported a noticeable difference in my demeanor. More laid back, open, welcoming. That day creating the vision wasn't a waste of time, but instead in hindsight, a very pivotal milestone on my path.
On this board I pasted mountains, palm trees, oceans, airplanes, passports, and all visuals that embodied by deep yearning to travel. Now, looking back, I can see it was most certainly linked. Within 6 months I had planned a trip to Iceland, the following year Belize, and then after that Morocco! (Forever Penny Lane) After that, Costa Rica! Within 4 years time I had started to fill my passport! However, at the time, I didn't think of the vision board at all.
So with that said, I understand, one can argue they have nothing to do with each other. BUT for the sake of this post, let's just stay hopeful that the belief in my ability to travel to far off lands grew stronger that day, when I created my board. Without even realizing it, my belief in myself grew. SO, knowing that, what if I started becoming conscious of my visualization, if i stayed fully aware of my belief in myself? What would happen then? That's my point.
Now my Visualization game is stronger than ever. I am conscious of it. I make time for it, I am aware I am doing it. I'm not mindlessly cutting out pictures and posting them to a board, but instead i'm journaling, sitting still, seeing myself in environments and with people that I want to be with. AND most importantly, visualizing that I already have it so that I can start to really FEEL what it's like to be where I want to be. That's the key to visualization: seeing and feeling what it's like AS IF YOU ALREADY HAVE IT. Whatever, "it," is.
I think that's where a lot of people get tripped up. They see the dream house on the cape, with cedar shake shingles, they picture the dream man pouring coffee, the ocean roaring in the backyard, and the career that gives them purpose and security, but they don't see themselves in that scene. They visualize what they want vs. visualizing themselves already living it. Capeesh?
I want to give credit where it's due, but I forget where or when I switched to this concept. I believe it was either Danielle LaPorte's book, The Desire Map, or anything by Gabby Bernstein, but within the last 3 years I started making my day dreams as REAL as could be.
It doesn't have to be long, drawn out, cutting/pasting, Pinteresting, unless you like that. By all means, DO THAT. But for me, it's as simple as closing my eyes when my Nespresso is brewing and feeling what it's like to have an honest man, doing his WORK emotionally, hug me good morning, to scoot to my own yoga studio for the first class, to help students access their practice, even seeing myself mopping the reclaimed French Oak floor after class. Then I pause, drink my coffee, and the next moment in my day when I can close my eyes for a minute, I see myself having juice ( or coffee because let's be real) with my best friends, who are also living their day dream, chatting about how fulfilled and secure we feel. I quite literally see myself in the situation as if I have it.
I started this in 2013, when I wanted to leave my counseling career to teach yoga full time. I made the switch January 2014. I did it again when I wanted a better relationship. Again when i wanted to be back in NY. Now back in NY, I started again on January 1st's full moon. I got crystal fucking clear on what I wanted for right now and within 23 days I taught my first class at a studio I really want to work at.
What's next? For the last 14 days I've been seeing my friend and I rocking our SOCKS off at Bruce Springsteen on Broadway. Tickets are ridiculously expensive but, there's a lottery, and I've been entering it every single day. Feeling my heart strings being pulled when, "Dream Baby Dream," is performed. I don't even know if it's part of the show but, it could be!!
Hard work, work ethic and effort are all very important. I'm not saying to stop what you are doing in life and just start visualizing. However, I am requesting the you start flexing your "belief in yourself," muscle a little bit more each day. The world needs what you got. Get out of your own way. See and feel yourself IN IT. I love you guys so much, and part of my visualization each day include seeing the people I know in this life DOING THEIR DAMN THANG and SMILING because we are ALIVE and able to experience the ebbs and flows. And, although this may be the most "woo woo," sentence ever in my entire blog, I'm going to write it anyway. WE HAVE THE ABILITY TO SHIFT THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE WORLD BUT WE HAVE TO START WITH OURSELVES FIRST. Start getting real, folks, it truly inspires your friends, neighbors and even strangers to get real too. What do you visualize? How does it feel to already have what you want? Pretty fucking great, am i right? Start today.
Also, I've decided to publish a post every Wednesday now, as life is picking up. And, Saturday is my birthday, don't forget. Muahahaha.
Love you, LP.