I am not sure if it was the Full Moon on January 1st, or just the energy of transition but, I've been extra into the phases of the moon and astrology this month. Processing patterns, recognizing cycles and hoping to analyze (with moderation) new and old recurring lessons. Today marks a new moon and this time around it delivers potent messages! I know they all do, but again, because it's the first month of the year, it seems extra special. The first thing I did today upon waking was light Palo Santo and meditate. I then lit more Palo Santo and made my coffee, and here I am sharing with you. I plan to sit down this evening before bed at the time of the new moon (9:17pm to be exact) to visualize. Really, visualize. Myself in the detailed settings and environments I want to be in, surrounded by the people or kinds of people I want there as well. I want to feel what it's like to HAVE what I want. Remember, Universe/Spririt/Beyonce/God/your higher power whatever that is, wants you to have everything you WANT PLUS MORE! PLUS MOREEEE! So let yourself see it, GO THERE. Below are some articles that I loved, and may have read repeatedly. Two are regarding today and the last is a more general Astrology overlook for January! Wishing you many new moon blessings!! Love you, LP.