Happy New Year, everyone!! I can't get over how January 1st, 2018, fell on a Monday and a Full Moon! For a moment in time, the world/universe/spirit/whatever your preference, conspired to provide you with the ULTIMATE fresh start. What a FEEELING!! For the third year in a row I spent New Year's Eve with my grandma in bathrobes. We order our from our favorite Italian restaurant and do our best to stay up till 12. We made it to 11:30p this year! WILD, I tell ya. I wouldn't change a thing.
While I don't believe in starting over, or letting go, I do think that we can actively choose to move away from things that aren't quite serving us. Whether people, places, things, feelings, habits, etc. If it was easy enough to "release," or "let it go," wouldn't it have happened already? Wouldn't we stop thinking about it more often than not? Then, that starts the whole self-judgment and critique cycle. "Ughhh why am I doing this again!?!?" Believe me, I've been there. SO this year, I vow never to say, "I'm letting it go," instead, "I'm letting it be," but, actively making the choice to do/say/create/think something different. To 'exit gracefully,' if needed.
I took yesterday off from blogging so that I could immerse myself, and be present on the first day of 2018. I went to yoga, the gym, made a delicious 'kitchen sink,' soup for the week (recipe below), shopped because new winter clothes are a MUST, chatted with a new boy I met and had dinner with my grandma and cousin. As the sun set, I retreated back to my apartment, lit some Palo Santo and meditated with some Angel Cards that were gifted to me by Teresa Biggs. I took a lot of time to journal about abundance and gratitude because it is POURING out of me. Throughout the day, when I caught myself worrying, judging, obsessing, I would stop, thank myself for said awareness, and retrace as to why these feelings surfaced. I made sure to write that practice down too, because I'm grateful for the ability to, 'check myself, before I wreck myself,' if you will.
I never want to forget or ignore my past, it lead me to where I am now, and what's happening now is propelling me toward what's to come. But, I don't need to harp on prior decisions or earlier actions, in way that send me into a judgmental tailspin. Instead I will use every single feeling and thought as a marker, as a tool, as a teacher. This year is going to be filled with so much change and I can't wait to see what it brings. I am excited for ALL of us, again, happy and healthy new year!! Love you, LP.
Update: I now have 9 permanent classes at 3 Medwell Spa Locations!
Sunday’s @9:30a
Sunday’s @11a
Monday’s @7p
Monday’s @8:45p
Tuesday’s @6pm
Tuesday’s @8pm
Saturday’s @9:15a
Saturday’s @10:30a
Saturday’s @11:30a
Kitchen Sink Soup Recipe!
Brown 1lb Ground Turkey meat in pan.
In big soup pot, add to:
2 cups water
15 oz tomato sauce (favored, or not if you like to add your own spices)
Diced: onion, celery, 2 cloves garlic, green beans, red pepper
A shit ton of spinach
Red Pepper Flakes
Let cook on low heat for 45 minutes, you'll know when it's done.