Welllll, I had a cute in person, video interview for my WCW today, but I'm not the best when it comes to uploading, downloading, whatever loading and I can't seem to do it, BUT, I did my best to rephrase Sally's answers so I could share with you one of the most wonderful people in the world. If I figure out the video I'll be sure to post it. Sally is the epitome of JOY and I am thankful to call her a friend. We met in a yoga class in 2008 and have been friends ever since. Her smile, her laugh and her cheery misdemeanor makes for some of the funniest and warmest memories of my life. Check out her answers below!!
What line of work are you currently in?
I teach yoga classes and workshops for The Hot Yoga Spot's 5 locations throughout the Capital Region of NY.
What's your best piece of health advice for women?
I believe in the true importance and reality of "everything in moderation." When it comes to nutrition deprivation never works, so when you allow yourself everything you tend to achieve the moderation goal rather then the "all or nothing," mentality. Also, OVER hydrate and MOVE your body everyday!
What's your favorite type of self-care?
I looooove massages! I go to Dan Wahl, Amy Haley, Aaron Styles and Nick Pavoldi to name a few. They know the athletic and yoga bodies and always heal my aches and pains, or just for preventative care! Also, I've been super into energy work lately. Reike has really helped me to find balance and clarity. Dan Wahl and Shannon Minnick are intuitive energy healers and they have cared for me in times of need.
What's the best piece of life advice passed down to you from your mother or a maternal figure?
My Nanny would always say "KEEP LOVING," she would reiterate, "love more, always love more." She was so compassionate and generous and her kindness never went unnoticed.
What's your current favorite blog, Instagram page, podcast or website?
I am so obsessed with The Southern Yogi right now. Morgan Tyler, i she name, and she's an Instagram sensation. Her and her best friend are so vulnerable and open about they journey which really inspires me. She has come such a long way in the last two years and I find motivation for my journey because she opened my eyes to the fact I'm not alone.