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Winter Solstice!

The winter solstice marks “peak darkness” for the Northern Hemisphere. So, it is the shortest day and the longest night for that hemisphere during the year. In New York, for example, the sun will be in the sky for just over nine hours — roughly six hours less than in June at the summer solstice. The Earth is on a tilted axis as it orbits around the sun and the hemispheres receive a different amount of sun exposure depending on where the earth is on its yearly orbit. That’s also why we have the seasons -- fall and winter coincide with less sun exposure, while spring and summer correlate with more sun exposure. (yay, seasons!!)

Today Jaime and I are going to enjoy the solstice as part of Yuletide YouTime and we want you to join too! For Day 8, spend sometime outside. I'm about to take Juju, our family dog, for a walk. I can't say the word "walk," in front of her because she's so intelligent and runs straight to the door when she hears it. She's the best! But, I digress. Today, get out in the fresh air, whether it's crisp or warm, whatever part of the country you're in, and breath it all in. Get observant while you're out there too. What does the sky look like? How many clouds? is there a breeze? Is your neighbor making a fire? TAKE IT ALL IN as today we welcome and honor more LIGHT to come.

Mama Nature and the earth's orbit are so magnificent when we take time to think about it and appreciate. Solstice blessings and Happy Day 8 of Yuletide YouTime!! Love you, LP.




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