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Pleasure Is Possible.

I am bypassing WCW this week because of Yuletide YouTime!! So, this Wednesday is devoted to PLEASURE. Ooooo ahhhhh. Sometimes, as a woman, it is really hard to allow ourselves "guilt-free" activities or time to do things we enjoy. Whether it's baking, shopping, reading silly fashion magazines or just sitting quietly by ourselves for an hour a day. I don't know when this feeling of guilt started to creep in for me, but it takes a minute or so to process that trigger or emotion and see where its coming from. I know that in order for me to keep providing for others I need to give myself the same amount of love.

Today as I acclimate back to the cold weather I'm going to factor in time to sit by the fire and sip tea without my phone or my computer. I moved back North without a solid plan, but I knew that i wanted to be back home. I going to allow myself this time to transition without the anxiety of needing to find work, so that I don't jump into anything too fast. I have some irons in the fire, but guilt free, intention based, decisions are all that I'm into lately!

SO for day 7 of our self care advent, do something today that you WANT TO DO and do your best to find acceptance around it, as guilt free as possible. Love you, LP!

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