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Sarah Anne!!!!!

This woman needs no introduction, but I will anyway because she's one of the funniest, most caring people I have met in Naples. Sarah is the definition of loyalty and protects her friends as if they were blood. I first met Sarah at SWEAT in Naples. She was my partner for a bootcamp style workout and it was basically a preview. I saw how hard she worked and how much fun she had in the same breath. Fast forward a few months, when I start teaching Yin Yoga for Ionic Crossfit and she's there! Working even harder and laughing even louder! She was at the beginning of her fitness career and in LESS than a year she has accomplished so much. I am so proud of this fierce, goal oriented lady that's why she's my WCW, I want everyone to know her!! She can be found on Instagram @sarah2bunz because she is INFAMOUS for rocking double pineapples, while managing to look as badass as they get. Check out her answers to my five q's below! Love you, LP.

What line of work are you currently in?

I am a Level 1 Crossfit Coach @ Ionic CF and also the head trainer for Bonita Bootcamp. & The newest ambassador for FNX_fit !

What's your best piece of health advice for women?

Find what works for YOU, every BODY is different, what works for someone else won't necessarily work for you. And to speak kindly to yourself!!! Health is not just about what you're eating, Its also about what you're thinking and saying!! AND, Listen to your body!! Learn to rest, not to quit.

What's your favorite type of self-care?

My favorite type of self care would have to be a lifting session... or soaking up some the sun at the beach

What's the best piece of life advice passed down to you from your mother or a maternal figure?

She would always say, "you are the only one who can limit your greatness."

What's your current favorite blog, Instagram page, podcast or website?

Ben Bergeron has ALL my attention lately. His book, Chasing Excellence, was amazing, I loved every page in that book.




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