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Body Image.

UGh. So, I am still organizing my thoughts regarding this topic and how I will share it on my blog. I'm thinking of devoting every Thursday to Body Image, and all of the lovely, and not so lovely, feelings that come along with it. It's hard to just write one post about it because, personally, as a woman I go through phases of complete acceptance and complete, "let's cover up all the mirrors in my home," and since it's a spectrum related topic I know that EVERY single woman and a lot of men struggle, for lack of a better term, with it.

Body image is a person's perception of the aesthetics or attractiveness of their own body.

"Superficial," is the first word that comes to mind, if I were asked to associate quickly, but I think the definition should be broadened and I think we need to find a way to create dialogue around this topic without it being perceived as negative, or that something is wrong with us if we are effected by body image concerns.

Last night my bestie and I went to an adult dance class and legit shook our asses to G-Eazy and Cardi B's, "No Limit." In two hours we learned dance steps to a 50 second clip of the song. It was also the first time I was in front of a mirror for TWO straight hours, in a while. Yes, Bikram Yoga is practiced in front of a mirror, but when I'm dripping sweat and seeing my body hold postures that I'm "confident" with, I lean more to the acceptance side of body image. However, last night, when I was unsure of my footing I was leaning more towards judgment. Or, when I'm sweating my ass off at bootcamp and I walk out like the hottest piece of A, like even Beyonce can't touch this, yet I'll be getting dressed for a date and find myself questioning if I should even go?

Which, leads me to this: my body has not changed in anyway from last Sunday to last night, so how can my mind drastically view myself that much differently? So the discussion that needs to be had isn't necessarily about my body, but about my emotions that day, or hour I'm experiencing this judgement of my shape. Essentially what's forming my "perception," that specific day.

It's such a delicate subject, that NEEDS to be talked about, so that it becomes less tabu and more welcomed. It's not a feeling that can be ignored, but it is a feeling that passes. Maybe it's not the actual body image that needs to be addressed, but more so the space in between judging what we see and whatever it is we chose to say or do regarding what we see. The self talk, the crazy diet plan vicious cycle, the isolation, whatever it may be. How can we challenge the thoughts of our body, vs act on them.

OY. Maybe it's just the moon? HA! Well either way, I'm here for you, and have most likely been there, or thought that thought, and while I don't believe we'll ever be free of our self limiting thoughts about ourself, I think there is SO much room for growth about what we do with those thoughts. We got this. Stay tuned. Love you, LP




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