I know I shouldn't have favorites when it comes to WCW, BUTTTTTTT Jaime Logan is my spirit animal. We were lucky enough to cross paths in Upstate NY, doing yoga, obviously! Jaime is also connected to me literally!! When I was in the process of leaving my career as a counselor to teach yoga full time she continually said, "follow your arrow!!" And so, one day, down here in Florida, when i opened my eyes to realize that I had followed my arrow, I got a tattoo, of an arrow! I love her so much!!! She and her whole family, even Dolly her dog are some of my favorite people and I am so thankful she took time out of her schedule to answer these questions. You may remember her from last Holiday season. She and I created a Self Care Christmas Advent, and we're doing it again this year so GET READY! It starts mid December, stay tuned! For now, check out this AMAZING woman and her advice on this week's #WCW post. Love ya, LP.
What line of work are you currently in?
I work as a high school guidance counselor in Saratoga Springs, NY. The same high school I graduated from in 2008! I am also a certified vinyasa yoga instructor, and teach yoga at The Hot Yoga Spot.
What is your best piece of health advice for women?
- Do what is right for you. Educate yourself, try different things, and do what is right for you and your body. I spent years as an athlete, only caring about cardio, while eating a low fat diet which included highly processed food. Then I became a yoga instructor and had this voice in the back of my mind saying AHIMSA! You have do do no harm. You have to be e vegetarian. So then I tried to be a vegetarian for a few months. None of these were working for me. In addition, I have friends who are marathon runners, so I thought I could force my body into running, that if I just pushed through the pain in my hips and back, I would eventually reach running nirvana... which never happened. I finally, currently feel happy and comfortable in a combination of practicing many types of yoga, HIIT/bootcamp classes, and walking, with a paleo based diet. I may follow this forever. This may change in 4 months or 10 years. But right now, this is what is working for me. despite what other people think or do. It's about following your arrow with confidence. Cheering each other on rather than judging someone else's health/lifestyle choices.
What is your favorite type of self care?
- Oh man... this is so tough. I could spend hours talking about this. I am going to spin it.. It may not be my favorite because mornings are so difficult for me, but thats why it's necessary: having a solid morning routine. When I don't give myself enough time to appropriately wake up and start my day on the right foot without feeling rushed, the day starts terribly! Starting the day without enough time sets a rushed tone for the day. No good!!! Waking up with plenty of time to get ready, do 10 minutes of yoga, read a daily passage from a book, write in my gratitude journal, and meditate changes my day. I know it sounds drastic, but all of that is about 20 minutes. These 20 minutes are my EVERYTHING during the week. It's so hard for me to do this... I would love to sleep in for 20 more minutes, but the self discipline is important. I never regret doing this.
What's the best piece of life advice passed down to you from your mother or a maternal figure?​
- It's less of what my mom says, more of what she does. She is the OG arrow follower. She and my father have been married for 33 years, and she is constantly just following her arrow unapologetically. She would cook dinner for my sister and dad every night growing up. My dad values a home cooked meal and family supper time, and my mom did't work. This was their agreement. But, every so often, she'd say "I don't feel like cooking. What's he going to do? Fire me?" And this became her epic quote that she says all the time. "Mom, I son't think you should wear that"... "What are you going to do? Fire me?". She is the most confident in her decisions, and is not afraid of someone being upset with her or afraid of messing something up
What's your current favorite blog, Instagram page, podcast or website?​
Blog/website: Fed & Fit... with How Sweet Eats a close second
Instagram page: 4 way tie between Iskra & Yoga Girl & Nolatrees (Dana Falsetti) and Mynameisjessamyn (Jessamyn Stanley)
Podcast: Forever favorite is The Sagave Lovecast. Close seconds: From The Heart, conversations with yoga girl... and Happier with Elizabeth Craft and Gretchen Rubin and An Acquired Taste Podcast