Although the holiday where we're asked to give thanks has come and gone, our practice in gratitude is just beginning! If you've been keeping up with Gratitude Monday, good! If not, now's the time. Take literally 30 seconds, I'll time you, and whatever comes to the mind first, let it be that. I hope everyone is recovering well from the tryptophan overdose and I wish that your Monday gratitude practice brings a smile. Love you, LP.
1) I'm super thankful for the brief hiatus I took from social media. 25 days. It helped me to track a lot; time, patterns, thoughts. I hopped back on yesterday but, it felt different, and I don't plan to fall back into old habits, instead be more more mindful of my use. I do feel like I missed important things though! When I was browsing I saw two of my friends got engaged, and a couple I love is expecting their second baby. So, #lol at missing that. Pros and cons to everything! With my time away though I did find A LOT of clarity. With more time to process and less distractions, I made some very big girl decisions. More to come on that. <3
2) My good friend, Sydney, is a coach at Burn Bootcamp and this morning part of the work out were Bear Crawls. This movement is done on all fours, with your knees very low to the ground and you walk/crawl on hands and feet from A to B. Today I'm grateful, that when she catches me doing it she says, "Yay Linds, you're a bearrrrr!!!' It really makes me work harder, crawl a little faster, and laugh REALL hard. Luh you, girl.
3) BRIAN! I'm happy to have had the chance to grab coffee with mi amigo twice in the last WEEK! After 6 months on his bike, he made his way back to Naples, FL to pick up his car. Then, we randomly were close by for the Thanksgiving holiday. His insight and understanding are just what I needed! And, we met for coffee at The Zen Den where we discovered the best mugs EVER, they had thumb prints at the top of the handle, genius.