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'Tis The Season!

If you aren't easily falling into a regular gratitude practice, it's ok, because this is THE week to start. Thanksgiving is a mere 4 days away where we are asked to quite literally GIVE THANKS. SO, lets do ittttt. What are you grateful for right meow? If I don't get to see you before the holiday, I wish you the safest travels, and the warmest hugs from loved ones. Love you, LP.

UNO: I have never been more thankful for OAK TREES and WATERFALLS (more to come on this) and my Saturday spent with Laruga Glaser. I left at 4am Saturday to participate in a Mysore Ashtanga practice where Laruga assisted me in Supta Kurmasana (google it) to bind my hands behind my back!! Mysore, followed by two insightful workshops, which I will write about tomorrow, all the while, spending this educational weekend with some of the most dedicated students and teachers I know, Amy Lucky, Josh Yearout and Jami Kay. (they wake up at 4am each week to drive to Fort Lauderdale for their teachers!)

DOS: Practicing what I "preach," which is, truly listening to the signals my body continuously gives me. In turn, standing up for myself when things no longer serve me.

TRES: Cuban Coffee, or scratch that, all the coffee I had in Miami that was delicious, and potent, and what coffee should actually taste like. Dear Nespresso, can you guys make a Cuban Roast Pod? #that'dbegreat <3




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