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Andrea Moonbeam!

This week Andrea was gracious enough to share her answers to The WCW Five. When Andrea is not sharing her gifts in Naples, FL, she can be found in Cincinnati, OH. Her wanderlust heart, gypsy soul, andpassion for sharing the gifts of yoga has led her to attend, assist on, and lead several yoga retreats both locally and internationally, a lifelong dream she continues to happily, and gratefully pursue. She can be found on Instagram @andreakern and her website is Check her out! Love you, LP.

1) What line of work are you currently in? (Job title, description and how can we find or social media?)

Yoga Teacher + Yoga Retreats! You can find all my offerings (classes, workshops, retreats, and bloggin') at Also love staying connected, sharing real-talk inspiration, and growing community on social media @andreakern (Instagram handle)

2) What's your best piece of health advice for women?

Listen to and LOVE your body!!!! As women, we tend to be naturally in-tuned to our bodies and it's so important to continually nurture that relationship. Listen to what your body needs: move in ways that your body is craving, slow down when your body needs rest, find balance in what you consume. Stay mindful of what messages your mind is sending you body and vice versa- there's a crazy strong connection between our minds and our bodies, thoughts can fuel physical sensations, and physical sensations can stir thoughts. So, simply put, LISTEN and LOVE.

3) What's your favorite type of self-care?

Self-care looks different for me depending on the day. Overall, Yoga + Meditation are my obvious favorite and most frequent self-care, immediate-calming & centering, go-to duo. Some days it might be a powerful run in the heat, others doing nothing active at all. Self-care for me is listening to the rhythms of my body on a day-to-day basis.

4) What's the best piece of life advice passed down to you from your mother or a maternal figure?

My mom is the first person I call (well, just always) but when I know I need to snap out of something as she'll hand it to me straight and say, "You've gotta let that go." Simple words but so powerful to hear right when you need to hear them, they never get old or lose their power...especially when you're someone who tends to over-analyze like me!!!

5) What's your current favorite blog, Instagram page, podcast OR website? (Present company excluded, share one or all!)

Well, first, duh Purposefully Yogini <3 I love blogs and social media accounts that consist of RAW realness (hence why I love YOU)....individuals that are able to throw fear of judgement out the window and share how they're feeling beyond a pretty picture. I think one of the most powerful things that can happen while scrolling through blogs or social media is to stumble upon words that you can comfortingly relate to, words that immediately remove the sting of alone-ness, moments where you stop and think, "Gosh, me too."




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