Today marks two weeks without using social media (Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat) and I'm loving it. I may never return. I deleted the apps on my phone, turned off notifications on my computer and have committed to this feat for 30 days. After Hurricane Irma I was experiencing more symptoms of anxiety than typical. I felt tense all over, my attention span felt limited and I was struggling with balancing my schedule.
There was one day when I knew I had to put the phone down. I was at my Grandma's and she was showing me pictures of her wedding day. I love to ask her about my grandpa, who passed away 3 years ago, because she LOVES talking about him. Picture a woman in her 90s, giggling, almost blushing, while smiling through her words. She's the best!! But, I digress. During the particular afternoon, it was almost as if I stepped outside of myself and watched myself checking my phone while my grandma was sharing with me her personal memories and stories of the past. I remember saying, "hold on, gonna put my phone away." I WAS MISSING THE MOMENT. For what? Nothing. To check Instagram again, for fear of missing out on something that was I'm sure WAY less important than what my favorite woman on earth was sharing with me! I don't know how it happened at that exact moment but, it did, and I'm so thankful for it.
I told myself that I would settle back into life in Naples and then November 1, it would begin. Just to see what would happen.
So, it's happening. All of the things I assumed would happen, are. More time, more presence, more confidence, less comparing, etc. BUT the one thing that I am noticing and what I'd like to post about to see if anyone can help shed more light on, is, the detox symptoms!! The physical withdrawal symptoms.
I know we just "fell back," with the time change and all, so that could partially be it, but I'm experiencing similar symptoms to when I do a "Whole 30." (a very well known, elimination diet.) The last few days I have been groggy, a bit out of it, sleeping SO much, and on the verge of feeling a cold coming on if I were to stop drinking water and tea. So, I could just be getting sick, OR I am detoxing. And honestly I think it's the latter because, I haven't been sick in a very long time.
My friend Josh reported that Ayurvedically speaking the Vata is effected when we stimulate our senses too much with blue light, or too much technology, so I could potentially have been way out of balance and now my body is readjusting, but who knows!? Anyone else ever experience this? Let me know.
I have heard that social media connection can be viewed as an addiction, so maybe this is true? Regardless, I'm not getting back on anytime soon. Try with me? Happy, happy Tuesday, everyone! Love ya, LP.