So even though I'm not perusing meme's my girlfriends have been sending me some here and there, especially when they know they are right up my alley. Despite being a couple of weeks since Halloween, I'm sharing this Friday Funny because #FEELS.

Also, this Saturday, tomorrow, November 11th from 1pm to 3pm, join me at Yoga Lab for Chaturanga Dandasana Defined. Whether you have been practicing for years, or you've never step foot on a mat, Four Limbed Staffed Pose is a posture that prepares us for so many other poses on the mat. It's more than a "push up," and can feel so empowering when done with integrity. I promise your strength to do this movement is there, it's just a matter of feeling it differently and setting some new imprints or memories in your body. Refine, relearn, access your potential, the hardest thing is showing up. Hope to see you!

Lastly, Saturday night, Kava Culture, come join, bring friends, 7pm!! Happy weekend, love you, LP.