Gratitude Monday, in yo FACE. This weekend's Full Moon was a DOOZY, so I'm very thankful for the wonderful people in my life. But, more specifically check out my 3 things below. Here we go! Happy Monday, love you, LP.
1) A new "bar," opened up in Bonita Springs within the last month called KAVA CULTURE. Kava comes from the root of a plant found in the South Pacific Islands, and is said to stimulate dopamine receptors, influence GABA receptors, improve mood, ease anxiety and boost sociability. Although its mildly intoxicating, it doesn't fall into the drug or alcohol categories. So with that said, a bunch of us traveled North on 41 and checked it out. The atmosphere was so cute. Coffee bar meets actual bar, beach themed and cozy. Gentle music playing in the back, and also for night time a fire pit on the patio! KAVA CULTURE has Kombucha on tap, Bulletproof Coffee products and a variety of gluten free treats! I still had to teach later in the evening, so I decided to try my Kava in a latte they had on the menu. It was delicious. I also tried a Kava Shot. Right away you can tell its not a placebo because my tongue and mouth felt as if I had a Sucret Lozenge, tingly and numb. After about 10 minutes the sedative effects kicked in. I felt really happy but, really mellow, almost "noodle-y," so I couldn't really frolic around. It was my kind of "Sunday Funday." Thankful to try something new with people I enjoy! We're going back next Saturday but at 7pm! Come join us!
2) Alanis Morrisette. Do I really need to explain why?
3) Laughing. There is nothing that feels better than getting together with your girlfriends and laughing till it hurts, and then the following day, flashing back to all the laughter and laughing again. "WHY ARE WE SO FUNNY!!!???" <3