Last week it occurred to me I had not yet asked Amy Lucky to answer my 5 questions for WCW! I think because I write about her so much already I thought I had!! If you are in the Naples area and have not yet taken classes, trainings or workshops with her, you should. I could go on and on but will leave you with a quote from her during this morning's practice.
"Perfect peace is not being happy all the time, but a trust in the order and events in the unfolding of your life."
Thank you for all you do in this community, Amy. Amy can be found at Yoga Lab and also her website AmyLuckyYoga.com. Love you, LP.
What line of work are you currently in?
I am a yoga teacher, and I still can't believe it. I had so much doubt around teaching and being able to support myself teaching. Every day I feel so lucky that I am doing something that I love.
What is your best piece of health advice for women?
Do your research well so you never walk into a doctor's office feeling like you know less than the doctor. Doing your research will empower you to ask the right questions about the benefits or dangers of the preventative procedures that are currently recommended for women.
What is your favorite type of self-care?
Meditation because it is free and the effects are immediate.
What is your best piece of life advice passed down from a maternal figure?
My mom is really good at table games in Las Vegas and I have always admired her light-hearted approach and confidence. She would tell me, "The less you bet, the more you lose when you win." In other words, don't hold back. I think of this advice with a smile every time I have do something hard. Our risks and effort are proportional to what we get back from all situations--yoga practice, relationships, and career.
What is your current favorite blog, etc.
Good writing saves me and some of the best writing comes from blogs by Laura McKowen (http://www.lauramckowen.com/) and Glennon Doyle Melton (http://momastery.com/blog/)