Gratitude Monday coming atchyaaaa. This morning was not my typical Monday so my apologies for the later post. Currently back in bed for a minute because it's CHILLY here in SWFL. 60-70 degrees!! I love it, but wow has my body adjusted to a warmer climate. What are you grateful for today?! Hope you're enjoying your Monday! Love you, LP.
1) I work 7 days a week. As a full-time Yoga Instructor I have exchanged the typical 9-5/Monday through Friday schedule for the fitness professional life....aka CHAOS. Ha, just kidding. While I wouldn't trade it for a thing, I have to be extra mindful of my hours off. Today I'm super grateful for the 23 hours I have off from Saturday at 12:30p to Sunday at 11:30am. This past weekend I really took advantage of that window and drove to Tampa with my friend Sydney for the Kings Of Leon concert. WE HAD THE BEST TIME. So much dancing, and singing and eating and smiling. She and I voiced how we NEED to make time for fun like this at least once a month. She is also in the fitness industry with a different schedule, also a schedule that requires us to constantly GIVE to others, so we both understand the importance of balancing between recharging and have fun. We'll get it!
2) Hot Tubs. Yesterday I took advantage of my condo's pool/hot tub. I know they are amazing, but they really are. Must use more, especially in the chilly weather.
3) CLEAN SHEETS. YAAAAA. Therapeutic for sure. MM. love love.