I seriously look forward to Monday's now because I get to express what I'm grateful for, which requires me to think about life and the wonderful or even not so wonderful things in it. So while, we're attracting abundance by being thankful, we're also gifted the ability to pause and think about what we do day in and day out. Gratitude and reflection, two birds, one stone. Join me in this practice!! Love you, LP.
Numero UNO: I'm super excited because I recently chatted with my friend from NY, Jaime Logan, and we decided we are definitely going to do our SELF CARE CHRISTMAS ADVENT again!!! If you didn't do it last year, get ready! Starting December 1st, leading up until Christmas we'll post a self-care ritual each day for you to implement. Yea, it's only October still, but I can't wait!!!
Two: Hot Yoga Naples. Ever since I moved to Naples in April 2015, I have been trying to teach here. This past March, Jennette and I finally found time in both of our schedules to make it happen. I love these people so much. This style of community reminds me of my studio back in NY. Plus, its getting back back to my roots of Bikram. Yesterday I took my first Bikky class since before Irma and it felt SO good. Also, Rachel. LOL.
Thhhhreeeee: Epiphany Gluten Free Bakery, right here in Naples, FL. I finally made my way over to check out the goods. I'm so happy I did, and pissed at the same time because everything LOOKED amazing, and the items I did purchase were so freakin' delicious. I bought a Vegan Coffee Crumb Cake and a Paleo Cinnamon Bun. GUH. Decadent. I try to bake using paleo ingredients and vegan recipes and they typically come out good, but wowza not compared to here. Luckily, since the prices reflect the quality, it will be a treat for me once a month vs. once a week. This will make my financial planner happy and also the size of my ever growing booty.