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Full Moon.

Even though I love blaming any phase of the moon on anything remotely stressful in my life, today we actually can! According to the yogic philosophy it is important to live in alignment with the phases of the moon. The Ashtanga Yoga Center states,

"Both full and new moon days are observed as yoga holidays in the Ashtanga Yoga tradition. What is the reasoning behind this?

Like all things of a watery nature (human beings are about 70% water), we are affected by the phases of the moon. The phases of the moon are determined by the moon’s relative position to the sun. Full moons occur when they are in opposition and new moons when they are in conjunction. Both sun and moon exert a gravitational pull on the earth. Their relative positions create different energetic experiences that can be compared to the breath cycle. The full moon energy corresponds to the end of inhalation when the force of prana is greatest. This is an expansive, upward moving force that makes us feel energetic and emotional, but not well grounded. The Upanishads state that the main prana lives in the head. During the full moon we tend to be more headstrong.

The new moon energy corresponds to the end of exhalation when the force of apana is greatest. Apana is a contracting, downward moving force that makes us feel calm and grounded, but dense and disinclined towards physical exertion.

The Farmers Almanac recommends planting seeds at the new moon when the rooting force is strongest and transplanting at the full moon when the flowering force is strongest. Practicing Ashtanga Yoga over time makes us more attuned to natural cycles. Observing moon days is one way to recognize and honor the rhythms of nature so we can live in greater harmony with it."

Today's Full Harvest Moon in Aries brings up lots of inner truth, and it will bring it up and out in weird, unique ways, So today, pay attention. Here are some words from my favorite Astral website, Make yourself a cup of tea, spend an extra hour to rest today and go easy on yourself. Love you, LP.

Grandmother Moon comes into her fullness in Aries reminding us to steep in the power of our own inner knowing and truth.

The fire that burns within us can never be extinguished. It is this truth of our inner Being that needs to be honored and tended to.

Now is the time to bring forth our truth in a way that can heartfully express, assert and realign that which is out of balance. With the Sun in Libra, we can learn to do this in a way that is compassionate and cooperative so that it can illuminate, purify and transform.

This is a fiery moon that will ignite many emotions. Let’s allow for deep breaths, grounding into Mamma Earth and communicating from the heart.

Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our featured luminaries…

From the insightful DIVINE HARMONY:

“In the unfolding of this cycle we have seen some pretty big wounds and pain up around the world…This lunar cycle certainly has brought some horrific disasters…

“With Saturn in Sagittarius and Chiron in Pisces there’s a huge spiritual crisis happening- and also a crisis around Truth…

“We all have our opinions and truths- the problem is when we get so self righteous that we think we are right and everyone else is wrong…

“This Full Moon in Aries is a call to look at our personal and collective history with anger, aggression, rage, violence, reactivity and shadow masculine expression.

“This is a Full Moon to take stock of the self and other dancein our lives as individuals, as countries, as beings who inhabit planet earth with others.

“If we overdo ‘my way or the highway’ and try to strong arm everyone else- this Full Moon will not be fun.

“If we are willing to work towards collaboration, compromise and connection- then this Full Moon will be more illuminating, freeing and evolutionary.

“In the Full Moon chart we have Moon at 12’43 Aries opposite the Sun/Mercury/Vesta conjunction in Libra.

“This brings focus to how we communicate with others. Are we diplomatic, tactful, graceful?

“Are we taking out our unprocessed anger and rage on others- or are we using partnership and relationship as a mirror to see our own reflection.

“If we are too Aries- we need to learn Libra relatedness. If we are too Libra- we need to learn Aries assertiveness. We each have our growth edge- but they key is to not swing completely in the other extreme but to find balance between the two so they can work together.”

From CATHY PAGANO from her Wisdom of Astrology:

“..we have to see how our unconscious anger, assertion or desires need to be expressed differently.

“It’s time to grow up and take the time to imagine…different ways to give form and voice to those emotions instead of letting them control our decisions unconsciously through the Shadow…

“Don’t project your Shadow – embrace your anger and discover what it’s trying to tell you.

“Own your desires – if you repress them you twist them out of shape.

“Be assertive when you need to, and when not, let others lead.

“The Libra Sun shines her light on the questions of balance, equality and beauty.

“With Mercury and Vesta close by, truthful communication is a must to bring things into balance, especially in close relationships. We have to be willing to disagree as well as compromise to come into balance.

“What can we do about violence? How can we help our devastated neighbors? How can we create beauty in our relationships rather than ugliness, while staying true to ourselves?

“Being conscious is hard work. It takes discipline and courage and honor.”




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