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Wednesday, Again!

I am not sure about you, but the weeks seem to fly by. Here we are again with another fabulous WCW, but I feel it was just yesterday I posted about Sydney?! Hopefully the old adage, "time flies when you're having fun, " is still accurate, so I can say that I am! I truly am though, I wake up every morning thankful I get to do what I love and that I had the lady parts to design my own schedule and be my own boss. Ya know who else did the same? You guessed it, today's WCW!! Jen and I formally met when she started practicing at Yoga Loft. Now a teacher at YL we were able to get to know each other a bit better and just yesterday, we practiced next to each other in Lisa's class. I like when the Universe guides on who to post and when! Before I started yoga, Jen was living in the same town as me! Saratoga Springs, NY. Since I wasn't practicing yet, our paths didn't actually cross there. Jen moved to Florida around the same time I took my first yoga class and the rest is history. But, our souls were supposed to link up and I'm pretty sure it's because we're both BA babes, doing what we love, making money while we do it. I hope you enjoy! Love you, LP.

What line of work are you in?

I am the founder and CEO of Lean and Green BodyTM, LLC based here in Naples, Florida. We specialize in holistic nutrition, yoga, personal training and standup paddle boarding.

Our mission is to deliver concierge wellness to our community. Our goal is to educate, facilitate and create wellness programs that change the mind, body and spirit of our clients, giving them a healthier lifestyle and more positive outlook.

We have grown substantially over the past year and now have a team of six dedicated teachers, educators and coaches. As we begin our third year in business, we are focusing on expanding outside our Naples community and working with clients nation wide. We currently have clients in New York, California and Ohio.

You can find us at

Facebook: Lean and Green Body Instagram @leanandgreenbody

What is your best piece of health advice for women?

My best piece of health advice for women is to educate yourself, do the research and understand the difference between health trends and facts. Take control of your health. Always listen to your body and your intuition.

What's your favorite type of self care?

My favorite type of self care is yoga. It allows me time away from everything to just breathe. I can walk onto my mat with a million things rushing through my mind and leave feeling clear, light, and lifted.

What's the best piece of life advice passed down to you from your mother?

My best piece of life advice I learned from my Mother is: knowledge is power. Both of my parents have always instilled in me a strong work ethic and a desire to always learn more. After 8 years of college, graduate school, and further education, I am contemplating another two year program. It may sound crazy, but I love learning! In my field, data and information is always changing and evolving, so it is critical to stay on top of it.

What's your current favorite blog, Instagram page, podcast or website?

I am currently obsessed with The Skinny Confidential Him & Her podcast!




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