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Every Monday, and hopefully everyday, like clockwork. Wake up, 3 things you're grateful for, make coffee. Today I made coffee first. My heart is saddened by the news I woke up to, my prayers to those effected. (Which I hate is a sentence I feel like I'm using way too often.) Although they are not typical here are my 3 for today, to start the week. Love you, LP.

1) The word, "reach." Well, really for Amy Lucky saying the word, "reach," in class Sunday morning. Using it as a cue in Peaceful Warrior and Extended Side Angle. How have I never used or heard this word as a cue before in these postures? Maybe I had, but was never open to it, or ready to hear it. But REACH for goodness sake. These 5 letters allowed for length in my Psoas that I had never felt before in these postures. While I get this similar feeling in Triangle pose, it never felt as good. It has come at the perfect time too for me off the mat as I'm in the process of reaching towards a new goal. After class, my whole body felt like it was smiling from this one word, that created so much space and energy in my body. THANK YOU, Amy. "REACH!!!!"

2) My friend Carissa, who I reconnected with during the Irma evacuation, introduced me to a daily text called, 'Shine.' Each morning you get an inspirational and grounding text that has an article attached for further reading. Today's article was about permission to NOT be the best. I don't know if it's an only child thing, or my upbringing, but I am a perfectionist...whatever that means. I like approval, recognition and I like doing things right. It's exhausting. While it was helpful because I got good grades, went to college, played sports, went to grad school, got a good left NO room for self exploration that results when we fail at something. This in turn lead to a career change at age 30, when most are settling into a career that offers stability, I was on the pursuit of happiness. Anyway, this article was just what I needed to read after waking up at 8am today. OOPs. Last week I went a bit too hard in the paint, trying to return back to, "normal." Pleasing everyone, being there for people, all while working and working out, it left me exhausted and run down. So, as I sip my coffee slowly, pushing back the plans I had for my morning, today I feel OK missing yoga and my workout. I don't need to be the best at anything right now, except being the best for myself and myself needs to slow down.

3) Dreams. I had a super emotional dream last night. I am trying not to read into it but, it is hard not to! The dream details included me arriving at my yoga studio, one of my former teachers, Jimmy Barkan was there to take my Yin class. He, along with about 50 others were there too. That is a lot of people for one class. Trying to corral and organize the students into the room was trying. Everyone was talking, moving, there was music being loudly played on a student's phone. Picture all yoga studio etiquette being thrown out the window, and no one helping me to settle everyone down. This lead to class not starting on time, and every time I tried to get everyone's attention, something else would come up! All of this, while one of my esteemed teacher's was overseeing it all. I woke up with a light sweat and that heavy feeling in your chest that you get right before you're going to cry. WOAH. Hopefully this isn't foreshadow but I will definitely be processing it all day.




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