I think it's perfect timing to share my brief interview with my dear friend, Sydney Toggweiler. I met Syd through lululemon. We became instant friends. Over the last two years she has literally become my lifeline, my sister, and my rock down here in Florida. This woman gives all of herself to her family, her friends and her community in anyway she can. Yesterday, she coached me through my FIRST ever Double Under! Double Under's are a pesky jumprope movement that I could never full grasp. With her coaching cues, inspiring demeanor and her 'take-no-shit,' gaze, I did it!!! Thankfully, Sydney took some time out of her busy schedule to answer my 5 WCW Questions! If you are in the Naples area get to Burn Bootcamp and take class with her, AND keep your eyes peeled if you're in the Fort Myer's area too! Sydney and her husband Craig, have decided to expand their love for the Burn Bootcamp philosophy and open their own!! I couldn't be more thrilled for her and inspired by her! Love you, LP.
1) What line of work are you currently in? (Job title, description and how can we find you...website or social media?)
Personal Trainer at Burn Boot Camp Naples and Competitive Cheerleading Coach at TopGun All-Stars Southwest 2) What's your best piece of health advice for women?
Listen to your body!! I am still learning how to put this into practice myself....but whether its rest, carbs, certain nutrients...our body will tell us what it needs if we are just mindful enough to listen. 3) What's your favorite type of self-care?
Long walks on the beach is favorite type of therapy!! I also enjoy doing yoga :) 4) What's the best piece of life advice passed down to you from your mother or a maternal figure?
"If you want something done, do it yourself." Probably the reason why I have such an issue with asking for help! 5) What's your current favorite blog, Instagram page, podcast OR website? (Present company excluded, share one or all!)
Juli Bauer has always been one of my favorites! I love her blog and instagram page, paleomg. I also have her Paleo/Gluten Free cookbook and every recipe has been amazing!