We back. We good. We grateful. It's been exactly 18 days since I left Naples, FL because of Irma. What a little beeotch. But, everyone is safe, everyone's relatively sound. Cosmetic damage can be repaired and Naples will be restored in no time, I can feel it. BUT MAN, did it shake us UP. Our little bubble, our close knit community thrown off their game and knocked us super far out of our comfort zone. And, it's certainly not over. As we know, healing and repair comes in waves and layers. So, for this Gratitude Monday, I'm taking time to reflect and share my personal experience because I'm thankful for this wake up call or displacement, in hindsight. You'll find what I'm grateful for weaved in, rather than listed.
Personally, I'm still a wee bit anxious, ok, a lot bit anxious and the last two weeks I found myself clinging to any kind of comfort I could find. I chose to stay in NY a bit longer than most because my family is there. Stability is there. Familiarity was there. Now, back in Naples, sitting in a cloud of Palo Santo and listening to music as I write. I got back Saturday, quickly unpacked, and right to the studio. Ashley and I co-taught 108 Sun Salutations, initially just to celebrate the shift of season, but it morphed into a fundraiser and even more community awareness for those effected by Irma. Teaching immediately eased my nerves, and seeing the fiercely committed students I love so much grounded me more than I thought possible. (#1)
Rebuilding will take time. Homes, communities, selves. But that's cool, it really is. At first, it may not seem so cool, it seems exhausting, unfathomable, and frustrating, but, the other side, will be even more special. If you take a step back, lots of things in life are about rebuilding. Starting from scratch. Over and over. Relationships, careers, lessons, lots. We are always, in a constant state of growth, metamorphous, if we are open to it. How can we take Mother Nature's guidance and wrath, if you will, as a way to reflect and parallel it to our lives. What needed to be destroyed so that something more beautiful AND stronger could be rebuilt? For me, the answer was clear. (#2) While I'm not ready to share all of my thoughts yet, I will in time. What about you? Take a closer look.
I'm super, freakin' stoked to get back to blogging. (#3) I hate typing on my phone, so I just chilled the eff out, and decided that I was without wi-fi for a reason. To just live a little. I did. NY was awesome. I'll share in coming posts.
Take today to find gratitude, despite the trees on the sides of the road, the dead leaves everywhere, despite the energy of this town being creepy AF and distracted, despite having to clean out your fridge, DESPITE IT ALL. Love you, LP.