Irma. Ugh. I don't even know where to begin. This is my first experience being so close to an impending natural disaster with a dreary outlook. While I've seen the effects of other Hurricanes from afar, this was so different. My anxiety is still very high due to the uncertainty of everything, but I'm thankful. SO VERY THANKFUL that I was able to get out of Naples, FL and back home to NY. I am safe. My friends are safe. Most everyone I know has evacuated and the one's that have stayed are confident in their preparations.
All that I can think of right now is resiliency and togetherness. Support. So much support. Despite the tension that was felt in the air in Naples this past week there was also a very strong sense of community. At the end of the day, we were all on the same page, and same thought process of safety.
I am praying for this state, even though I'm relatively newer to living there. Naples, FL is the town that I've learned some VERY valuable life lessons and has provided the space for me to grow into the woman I am now. Naples is very much a huge part of my journey.
I have faith and hope that what's meant to be will be, and that my community will get through this, and come out even stronger on the other side.
Being home on Long Island means limited blogging again, but I will do my best.