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My Forever WCW.

Despite the Irma craziness that is currently SWFL, I'm taking a little break from packing and planning to share about my 92 year old Grandma, Nicolina Re. "Re,' in Italian translates to King and man, she was truly the King of her home. Yes my Grandpa was an amazing man, but as a mom of 5, she ran the house. She was gracious enough to sit down with me and answer my WCW Question's for Purposefully Yogini. She did her best to remember and think hard about her answers to the best of her abilities. I love her so much. I have vivid memories of when she would take care of me and how her and my grandpa would always cook so much for me. She still does! My Italian background is something I cherish. The culture, the traditions and the memories, not to mention the food are all things I can't wait to continue or pass to my little bambino, one day! Here are her responses, if only this could have been a video post to really capture her sweetness, maybe next time! Love you, LP.

What line of work are you currently in?

I currently don't work, but when I was a teenager I worked in a clothing factory where I would mark hemlines before the tailor adjusted them.

What's your best piece of health advice for women?

Don't eat out a lot, cook your own food, it tastes better and helps you live longer! Also don't get work done on your face or you'll look like that comedian....who was it? Joan Rivers.

What's your favorite type of self-care?

Make sure to carve time into your daily schedule to do something for you. Read or watch something you enjoy. I used to love watching All My Children after everyone left for school or work, before I'd iron or fold laundry.

What's the best piece of life advice passed down to you from your mother or a maternal figure?

She would always say, "do the right thing," and "do whatever you need to do to take care of your family and kids, family first."

What's your current favorite blog, Instagram page, podcast or website?

I think News12 does a good job, and I read my Newsday everyday.




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