This Monday I'm finding it challenging to narrow down my gratitude list to only 3 things. I am a firm believer that when you start tuning into gratefulness more mindfully, abundance inevitably follows. What's on your list?
1) Today's THE day! Total Eclipse of the ...Sun. Did you know there are people called, 'Eclipse Chasers?' People who literally spend their vacation time and spare money traveling the globe for a glimpse of totality? I dig it. Unfortunately Naples, FL is not on the path of totality, in the path of totality? What's the grammar here? But, we will be able to witness some of the rare magic. I'm thankful I don't have to teach during the hours of viewing. I'm also super stoked my friends are equally as jazzed about it and we're gonna make goggles out of tinfoil. #famouslastwords. NASA will be streaming live if you are stuck inside today. :)
2) "You can mess with the Gods, but not with your knees," Bikram Choudry says. Oh yes, these words ring so true lately. After college, I continued to play soccer for an indoor league and ended up partially tearing my ACL in 2007. Instead of undergoing the surgery that would leave me inactive for quite some time, I chose to rehab at PT and stop playing soccer. I picked up running since the linear action felt fine, and it was only when I started to pivot or dig left to right from sprinting when I felt it. About a year later, rehabbed even more when I started practicing yoga and since then my knee has been like new! Cue to this past summer playing soccer again, my left knee injury feels like it's back. Since I'm just playing once a week, I feel the dull ache of my knee pretty much all week until I have to play again. Thankful for yoga and especially Yin as it helps to recover with more efficiency, but I'm most thankful for Bikram's words because they're true, no need to force, no need to judge this new limitation, just continue to be mindful.
3) Lastly, THIS FRIDAY I'll be up bright and early flying home to NEW YORK. AHHHH I can't wait. I miss it so much. I'll be spending time with my three best friends from High School and my family.....oh and The New York Yankees, because what's summer without a ballgame and peanuts? (shh don't tell my roommate, a legit die hard Met's fan.) I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!