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Get Into The Habit.

Gratitude Monday is here again and I hope you are joining me in this experience or exercise in recognizing what you're grateful for. This week all three "things," seem to fall under the, "it takes a village," category. I'm so thankful for this community that I've fallen into here in Naples, and by way of this blog I hope to connect you to it!

1) My therapist, the taboo title, people are afraid to discuss. Maybe it's because I have a Masters in Counseling I recognize the importance, to not only see one, but to stop the judgement around emotional health needs. A healing art is a healing art, just like yoga, meditation or acupuncture. I am particularly grateful for mine this week because we have been discussing the topic of receiving support, and how I need to start practicing this more in my life. Her active listening skills and objective point of view helped me to realize that "Beyonce has a HUGE TEAM, she's not doing it on her own." Exact quote. So, while I have proved to myself I can do it on my own, this life, I don't really want to and its ok to ask for and welcome help.

2) This piggy backs off number 1, but I'm grateful for Josh and Amy, two teachers at Yoga Loft. This past Friday in Ashtanga Josh was assisting. While Amy was leading us into Marichyasana D (a seated posture with an intense bind) Josh approached me to assist. I welcomed it (see above) and because I decided to soften into the assist rather than brace around the idea of help, I was able to feel the posture in a WHOLE NEW WAY. In a way that felt like my ribs were being cracked open ( in a good way) to access my heart with greater ease, and boom, tears. An immediate release. Who knew that receiving support could feel so good?

3) Lastly, and another person, I'm grateful for Juan Carlos Galan. an Ashtanga teacher from Ashtanga Yoga Worldwide in Fort Lauderale, FL. He took the trip across The Alley this weekend to share his knowledge regarding Sun Salutations. His kind demeanor paired with his years of training and practice helped in so many ways as a teacher and a student for life. The most useful takeaway was the breathing exercise he instructed. Believe me, until you tune into it, you have NO idea how deeply you can breathe, and how the body can truly expand and fill with fresh oxygen. Use your lungs, peeps! I'm excited to share what I learned with my students and can't wait to continue this journey of self discovery that I'm on. Love you, LP.




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