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"What's a Queen without her King? Well, historically speaking, more powerful."

This is the inaugural post for WCW! I plan to ask the same 5 questions to different women across the world who inspire me! My intention is to introduce the powerful and motivational women in my life to the Interweb, to highlight their expertise, share their wisdom and maybe even connect for projects, bouncing ideas and overall smiling!

The first woman I'll be highlighting is my friend Wendy Broome. I met her through Yoga, but also, she is the woman who introduced me to Wix in order to start my blog. This post couldn't come at more divine timing. Wendy is on the verge of taking her passion and making it a full time paying career! Her work can be found in lots of places, but obviously my favorite is the work she has done for Yoga Loft Naples new website! CHECK IT OUT! So without further adieu here are the questions and a little diddy about Wendy!! If you'd like to contribute email me!!!

1. What line of work are you currently in? (Job title, description and how can we find or social media?)

Marketing & Web Design. I mostly build websites, design logos and marketing collateral, and do a lot of copy editing and content writing. Founder/Strategist at Optimus Bene. You can find me at: or IG @optimusbene 2. What's your best piece of health advice for women?

Do your squats (and lots of yoga). Eat your vegetables. Wear red lipstick. And don't give your power away to those who don't deserve it. 3. What's your favorite type of self-care?

Yoga, meditation and massages are my faves! 4. What's the best piece of life advice passed down to you from your mother or a maternal figure?

My mother always told me, "bloom where you're planted." In other words, when life gives you lemons kinda deal. 5. What's your current favorite blog, Instagram page, podcast OR website? (Present company excluded, share one or all!)

I honestly don't really have one. If I had to pick a website, it would be Amazon because I have a Prime addiction, whether ordering another unnecessary harness for my pup or watching Prime Video. I do enjoy Marianne Williamson's blog. She's such a goddess!




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