It is 1 thousand percent true that coffee tastes better after yoga, while drinking in your Summer bathrobe, on a Friday (or any weekend day) morning than any other time per week. I just finished up at Ashtanga lead by Amy Lucky. Amy joined me on my Podcast (Episode 9) to discuss Ashtanga. Go to iTunes to listen to our interview! (still learning how to link Podcasts to my blog). Since back from my road trip in June, I have been practicing Bikram twice per week. Ashtanga twice per week. Yin or YinYasa twice per week and one full day off and my body has been feeling better than ever. I also started supplementing regularly again, which I will blog about in coming posts! I've fully let go of bootcamp's or CrossFit style workouts for now because my Chiropractor, Dr Darci Mull, is never happy with me after these types of strains to my body, and she can always tell. (Insert the disclaimer; I do not think these styles of workouts are bad, but personally, with my body, I do better when I avoid.)
BUT, I've added soccer YAYYY. I joined a summer league. I started last week. It was so fun!! Back in June, a student of mine read my bio, saw I used to play and invited me. I took him up on the offer and I couldn't be more thankful. I was so nervous, like so nervous. I can't actually recall a time when I was this nervous. I hadn't played a true game since 2008 or 2009, I can't remember. I played in college (UA!) but then while playing indoor, during graduate school, I partially tore my ACL and never returned to the field. I picked up running and Bikram yoga, anything with control and linear movements. Fast forward to 2017, that's a big chunk of time!!
I don't know if my mindset was different because I had just finished reading Shonda Rhime's book, 'The Year Of Yes,' (Thanks, Ash!) or that I was just looking for something new, but I said, "YES!" I ended up playing all 60 minutes and for not having played in 7 or 8 years I did pretty well. Regardless of my remaining skill, I had SO much fun. I was JAZZED after, so much adrenaline. It was the perfect jolt to my system, at the most perfect time. Since moving to Florida I had talked about joining a league, but never followed through. Two and a half years later, here I am, getting ready to go again tonight!
As adults, it's hard to meet new people or grow your social network and even more so, it's challenging to find activities to do, outside of work, that don't involve drinking or socializing at bars, but I encourage you to look! Or, to say, "yes!" to something you may have been thinking about for a while. The art class, the singing group, the kayak meet up. Try it! I played soccer from age 6 to age 22, I sent a text to my dad after last Friday's game wondering why I ever stopped! Revisit what you loved when you were younger, maybe there is still a little flame burning that wants to grow. I believe, whole-heartedly, life is just a bunch of trial's and errors, sometimes thing's stick and sometimes they don't, and there is no harm in trying....with hobbies, careers and relationships. Love you, LP.